High-tech “cheese wizard”: ASSIFONTE’s processed cheese meeting at St Paul

High-tech “cheese wizard”: processed cheese meeting at St Paul

Last week (April 7), the ASSIFONTE Board members visited our processing site in St. Jansteen, The Netherlands, and witnessed the impressive concentrate of on-site cheese technology for the B2B cheese business.

“ ‘Smart Cheese Solutions’ is the official motto line of St. Paul, but some call us the ‘cheese wizards’- whatever cheesetype, whatever functionality, for whatever final product, we have the experience, the technology and the passion to deliver the perfect cheese for the food industry,” stated Dieter Kuijl, the owner and CEO of St. Paul and President of ASSIFONTE.

Dieter Kuijl is not only CEO of St. Paul, but also president of ASSIFONTE. ASSIFONTE represents the European processed cheese sector at large. It gives the entire sector a voice at the European level and provides a platform for industry experts to exchange new innovations and best practices with the right EU policy-makers.

What is ASSIFONTE’s role in the processed cheese industry?

ASSIFONTE plays a vital role in the processed cheese industry, both externally and internally.

Externally, it serves as a partner of the European Commission and is involved in discussions on issues that are crucial for the industry. As a permanent member of the Advisory Committee, ASSIFONTE presents its viewpoints on a regular basis in a wider circle. The organization also maintains contacts with international organizations, such as the WTO, to promote the interests of the European processed cheese sector. It also works with foreign embassies and authorities to resolve specific problems related to the export of European processed cheese. ASSIFONTE collaborates with the European Dairy Association (EDA) and represents the specific points of the processed cheese industry within the organization, and follows the work of FoodDrinkEurope (FDE).

Internally, ASSIFONTE organizes ad hoc working groups and small action parties to which experts from the processed cheese industry are invited. The organization has a small board of directors, the Comité Directeur, which meets two to three times a year or when needed to defend the interests of the processed cheese industry in case of an emergency action vis à vis the EU Commission or other parties. The organization’s effectiveness is ensured by its short lines of communication and the willingness of the members of the Comité Directeur to take action whenever needed.


Home Blog High-tech “cheese wizard”: ASSIFONTE’s processed cheese meeting at St Paul